It's My Birthday - 37 Things I Want For Me (and for you)

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  1. I want you to recognize your magic

  2. I want you to do things that scare you (at least a little bit)

  3. I want you to do the things you desire without fear of judgement

  4. I want you to vote

  5. I want you to have the courage to stand up for what is right even though it’s scary sometimes

  6. I want you to spend time with the people that love you the most

  7. I want you to have an open mind

  8. I want you to live a life where compassion is first, cynicism is second

  9. I want you to learn to talk about to that negative voice in your head

  10. I want you to know that asking for help doesn’t make you weak

  11. I want you to know that CRYING doesn’t make you weak

  12. I want you to show affection even if it makes you uncomfortable

  13. I want you to stop saying No before you’ve given it a chance

  14. I want you to start saying No to things you don’t want

  15. I want you to pursue your dreams with fervor and passion

  16. I want you to work through your shadows

  17. I want you to find happiness in the now

  18. I want you to know that tinsel earrings, sequin jackets, and sparkly coats are perfectly fine

  19. I want you to know that you are worthy of love and it doesn’t have to be transactional

  20. I want you to understand just how precious you are

  21. I want you to make a difference and that it DOESN’T have to be on a global scale

  22. I want you to always remember where you came from

  23. I want you to listen more

  24. I want you to keep growing and learning

  25. I want you to read more content so you will be less likely to read shit on social media

  26. I want you to keep critically thinking and trusting your intuition

  27. I want you to keep traveling and exploring

  28. I want you to know that you are not your business and your business isn’t you

  29. I want you to know that you can work through your values regardless of your title

  30. I want you to know that time is short and nothing is guaranteed

  31. I want you to know that taking time for you IS productive

  32. I want you know that hobbies/passions outside of photography are good

  33. I want you to remember that gummy dinosours will sit in your intestines and make you hurt

  34. I want you to know that stuff will never fill your need for love/acceptance/belonging

  35. I want you to know that you are enough as you are

  36. I want you to know that everyone is doing the best that they can with the tools that they have

  37. I want you to know that you are okay, Kid, you are okay.

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